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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 232

By the way, if you do happen upon anything on Corsican
sound changes (or Sardinian or Sicilian or good
dictionaries of any of them) please let me know, and
I'll be sure to do like wise.  I've been looking for
similar stuff.

--- James Campbell <james@hidden.email> wrote:
> Adam wrote:
> >>
> No, unfortunately, this book only covers Spanish,
> French, Portuguese and Italian.  It doesn't even
> have
> info on Romanian let alone the non-national
> languages.
>  It was useful for my purposes none-the-less.  If
> you
> can get it through inter-library loan it's more than
> worth a look.
> <<
> Hm, shame. Thanks though. I'll investigate.
> Jim
> james@hidden.email  James Campbell                     
>         www.zolid.com
> Jameld web site: www.zolid.com/zm  Plexus
> Inventions: www.zolid.com/plexus
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