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Carrajena text

Here's my newest piece in Carrajena.  It's a rather
familiar quotation so I won't provide a translation
but I will supply a few of the more difficult words at
the end since a few words from the Punic substrait
appear in this text as well as at one Arabic borrowing
and some coinages and the obscuring influence of sound
change might make a few words difficult to recognize.

The text:

Junu candu djul Davidu.  Ul Dominu mi paxed.  Mi nu
derraju numba.  In uls pastus frexus me acuinaju;
debostu als abas revichindus mi vida.  Al mi anima tu
revichi; peu vias dji justichi mi vida peu il tu numi.
 Veu si in il vaji djil morri esejevu amvuandu, ul
malu nu mi timeveru pervia tu megu si.  Al tu virga ed
ul tu bagulu istis mi consolans.  Andi mi junu minsa
preba andi uls mi nimigus; ul mi agan~u pun ul oju
zedunu mezi; il mi cauxi rexundad.  Veu todu al mi
vida als tu bin~idas ed mizegojas mi sevijuns, ed
azembeu in ul domu djul Dominu viveju.


junu - one
paxeri - to pastor
numba - never
aba - water
peu - by, each, for, in (the name of), per, through
vidari - to guide, to lead
veu - though, even though, yet, or
vaji - valley
morri - death
pervia - because
agan~u - head
pun - with
mezeri - to annoint
rexundari - to overflow, to abound, to exceed
seviri - to follow
azembeu - forever