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Re: [romanceconlang] Question on Italic languages

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>  
> As far as I know, the difference between these two
> groups is of the same
> character as the difference between East- and
> West-Romance, and P- and
> Q-Celtic.
> An interesting phenomenon: Italic can be subdivided
> into P-Italic and Q-Italic,
> and Romance can be subdivided into P-Romance and
> Q-Romance. 

And Carrajena is a con-P-Romancelang. What an
aglutinated glop of a word!  Con-P-Romancelang.

An incredible pity
> that no P-Italic language has survived!

So true!

> Apart from that, as far as I know Oscan and Umbrian,
> they are undeniably sister
> languages of Latin. Fascinating languages, both. An
> interesting future conlang
> project could be the resurrection of one of these
> two as a contemporary
> language. 
> Jan

And what a challenge it would be!  I don't think
there's an overly large amount of vocab preserved from
any of the other Italiclangs, is there?  What would
you use to reconstruct unattested roots?  Could they
be cobbled by looking at older forms of Latin and
comparing them with Greek?

Speaking of Greek, there's another pitty.  All the
varieties of Greek that have died out without leaving
daughter langs.  IIRC Tsakonian is the only non-Attic
Greeklang currently spoken.  I wonder why, with all
the multitudes of us constructiong Romancelangs, I'm
not aware of anyone doing Greeklangs.  Is there
