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Hi! I'm very flattered. Thanks. But, you're wrong, there're so much things to imrpove in Caglalian. Yes, I've tooked words from many languages : Here are some : Galician Spanish Latin Romanian (I'm learning) Catalan Greek (but only a 0.00009%) Basque (only the word enar( swallow) and a few more) ONLY THE WORDS, NOT THE GRAMMAR. (But I've tooked some romanian facts) I have trouble with verbs yet in Cagláll, and some words, I invented it at once, following a pattern. The next language I'll make, will be romanian as well. But I'll have many declinations, like basque. As about the plural, it doesn't matter what u use, but some words fit better with a special way of plural. But both are correct. No, I don't have a webpage, I know how to make one, but I'm bad in linguistics, so, I can't "teach" Cagláll, you know what I mean? I'll show you the pronunciation later. ok? A friend is a treasure. Um amicà um trèxeur. The door is brown Uxérd"à" breun. The verb "to be" is added to the noun. er or à is the verb to be. The crow is wise and black Cioarà cague i petre. (Cioar comes from cioara (crow in romanian) Well, bye! Carlos.