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Re: [romanceconlang] Hello!

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>

> > The death's only the beggining.
> > Le tanat é lleust le començ.
> Tanat? That must be Greek! How did you get that
> into your language?

Borrowing? Perhaps his language will show quite a
number of such borrowings from Greek! Kerno has
agiós, after all; as well as the middle
participle from Greek. Mind you, the latter was
not a "natural" borrowing.

> > In my language, there're two ways to say
> plural, and both are correct.
> That's interesting. Is there a difference in
> usage?

I like the difference between the two, for what
it's worth. It will be interesting to hear more
about how they work.


Ories-si la Sulis couant goueniont y vathin, levont y vus des al trefoelea, levont y vrum
des y vagges; aie! mays couant levab-el il mew cords?
     -- per tradicièn Quemrech
