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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

"Sabrina Laurent " wrote:
>   I don't know about other languages, but in all my sources, the 2nd
> person singular is used.

In archaic English, too.  "Our Father who *art*" not "who is", the
reason presumably being that it's a vocative.

>   No i'm not working on an auxlang, but i still want the language to
> be easy, so i don't see the point in making a lot of irregular
> verbs, when a regular form is perfectly acceptable.

Well, it all depends on your design goals, of course.  It seems that for
you esthetics are the most important criterion, while for others
naturalism is.  It's improbable that a genuine Romance lang would have
so few irregular forms.  But, of course, if you're not striving for a
naturalistic conlang, then there's nothing wrong with regular forms. 

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you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." -
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