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New World Romance Verbs, Participles, and Clauses

There is a broad division into two classes of verb: 
active/transitive and stative
These have an invariable stem and personal prefixes as subject  
1		e
2		'y
3		i
1 (incl)		nu
1 (excl)		nuvi
2		u
3 i
A subgroup (verbal roots that begin with a vowel) adds j to the 
personal prefix (ej, 'yj, ij, nuj, nuvij, uj, ij).
e.vareje `I walk (vareje)'
'y.vareje `you walk'

Tense markers are added: bah (past), hy'yj (future); 
e.g. 'y.hateje.bah `you did', 'y.hateje.hy'yj `you will do'. There 
is also a continuative form hehi_n (<PNWR se(n)sim): 
e.hateje.hehi_n `I am doing'
Objective Pronouns: first and second person forms precede the verb, 
third person forms follow: e.g.  'y me.uvije `you meet (uvije) me'; 
ly 'e.uvije `he meets you'; ej e.uvije ibar `I meet them'.
These are forms in which the independent pronoun precedes an 
adjectival or nominal stem: ej murv `I am sick'; 'y murv `you are 

Both types of verb are negated by means of  nu'o?ne; 
nu'o.ej.uweje.ne `I don't wait'. The imperative is negated by nuwi?

There are, of course, numerous secondary tenses, e.g., a perfect 
with aveje; e.hateje aveje `I have done'; and a second future in ?
wydyje; e.hateje.wydyje `I shall do'.

A continuative is made with ej (< PNWR ens); ej.ereje ej.ej `I am 
eating'; lyj.ereje lyj.ej `He is eating'.

NWR has to verbs meaning `to be'. (a) e.taje `I am at/in a place' 
(b) ej.ehe `I am (+adverb)'. There is no copula; `I am' + adjective 
or noun = juxtaposition: e.g., ej heniw `I am old'. Nouns may be 
marked for tense: -etejn `past', -ejn `future'; -bejado `expected 
and unfulfilled': jej.etejn `who was king'; jej.ejn `who will be 
king'; jej.bejado `who was expected to become king but did not'. 
Nominals marked for tense can be made from verbal roots with the 
particle kir: kir.uweje.rie_n `that which is desired'; 
kir.uweje.awva_n `that which was desired'; kir.uweje.epej `what will 
be desired'.
Relative Clause
-i_n: the referent is the subject or direct object of the relative 
clause: e.g., id umin ej runaje.i_n ivi `the man to whom I give'; id 
upir enije.ari_n.Nu `the village from which I came'.
Other suffixes:
-uweje		Desiderative
nu.ireje.uweje `we want to see'
-budeje		`be able to'
'yj.wukeje.budeje `you can speak'
-wite'		conditional tense in relative clauses
'yj.emeje.uweje.wite' huw id tah `if you want to buy (emeje) cheese 
(id tah)'