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Re: [romanceconlang] The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

John Cowan eskribiw:

> Isaac A. Penzev scripsit:
> > 2. Why do you use 2sn in <<que es in los cielos>>? Traditionally, 3sn is
> > in such constructions.
> The Vulgate says "Pater noster qui es [not est] in caelis", and the
> Western vernacular translations generally follow: the traditional English
> versions say "Our father who art in heaven" (or "which art").

Ah, now I see! The *Christian* tradition keeps 2sn in blessings! I can even
recollect OChS "OtIche nashU izhe *jesi* na nebiesiechU"! I was just thinking
in *Jewish* terms! According to halachic (=canonical) regulations, we must
start with direct 2sn form of address, as in "Barukh ata, A-d-nay..." (|ata| -
thou), and turn to 3sn in the main part: "she 3asa li kol tzorki" where |3asa|
is a 3sn form :-) Sorry!
