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Re: [romanceconlang] The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

--- John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email> wrote:
> Isaac A. Penzev scripsit:
> > 2. Why do you use 2sn in <<que es in los
> cielos>>? Traditionally, 3sn is used
> > in such constructions.
> The Vulgate says "Pater noster qui es [not est]
> in caelis", and the
> Western vernacular translations generally
> follow: the traditional English
> versions say "Our father who art in heaven" (or
> "which art").  Ray Brown
> explained that this is because Latin doesn't
> allow prepositional phrases
> to be attached to nouns without a copula in the
> relative clause.

It may also not be out of line to consider that
when the prayer was taught, it was taught as an
address to god. I.e., first person speaks to
second person. Only the 2s would make sense. In
English or Latin. Presumably Greek as well, but I
don't have a Greek version to compare.


ay aci kes? ao o may mech? si ay 'ci kes, feri kes;
si nay ne kes mech, feri que láes!
