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Re: [romanceconlang] The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

Sabrina eskribiw:

<<Padre nostro, que es in los cielos: sia santificado tuo nome. Vena
tuo renio. Sia faceda tua volonta in la terra come in lo cielo.
Donanos odia nostro pane cotidiano. E perdonanos nostras debitas,
come tanbien perdonamos a nostros debitores. E non nos mete in
tentacione, mas nos libera del mal.
Parque tuo è lo renio, la potencia e la gloria, in sempiterno.

My comments:
It sound very nice and clear, though is a bit inconsistent.

1. Did you translate it from English, French version, Vulgate, or the Greek
2. Why do you use 2sn in <<que es in los cielos>>? Traditionally, 3sn is used
in such constructions.
3. Why do you have /ie/ diphthong in |cielos| and |tanbien|, but /e/ in |vena|?
In all the cases we have VL */ê/! Are there reasons to treat them differently?
4. Can you consider other way to denote /J/? |renio| for /reJo/ is visually
strange. I'd prefer |reño| or |regno|.
5. What are the reasons to treat |facer| as a regular verb? You are NOT working
out an auxlang, are you?
6. Why |volonta|? I read it as [vo"lonta] which is strange. Should not it be
|volontá| or even |volontade|?
7. What's the origin of |come|? In L. it was |quomodo|; how do you get -e
8. You said you keep mute "h". It must appear then in |odia| (< L. hodie). And
/di/ here may get palatalized into smth like /dZ/ (see It. oggi).
9. Why |perdonar| but |parque|?
10. Is |debita| a bookish borrowing from Latin. Looking at past participle's
suffix, I would expect |débida|.

That's all for now,
truly yours,