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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: The Lord's prayer in Ninfeano

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
>  --- Sabrina Laurent skrzypszy: 

> > I have only 3 irregular 
> > verbs : esser (to be), aver (to have) and ir
> > (to go).
> You dislike irregular verbs? Why?

Yeah! Irregulars is where the fun is. I think
Kerno might have three _regular_ verbs.

> > Oh yeah, i realized  i made a mistake when
> > using the personal pronoun in imperative. 
> Well, one shouldn't necessarily exclude the
> other. I can very well imagine that
> both possibilities coexist peacefully. Perhaps
> it depends on the speaker's
> taste which option prevails. In order to create
> a feeling of variety, they
> might even appear together in one sentence.

It could be a matter of stress. Stressed pronouns
in Kerno tend to be separate; unstressed are


ay aci kes? ao o may mech? si ay 'ci kes, feri kes;
si nay ne kes mech, feri que láes!
