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A Ven, 8 Nov 2002 10:34:55 draqonfayir@hidden.email escrisse: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you looked at all at Mozarabe, the Iberian Romancelang that was spoken in Al Andalús? It might give you some ideas. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Shalom / salaam ! Glad to meet you, Tzvi, here too :-)) I've heard about Mozarabic still at the Uni, but it was almost impossible to find anything except of couple of glosses in our libraries. Having visited orbilat last week, I found some info there, and it seemed to me that Arabic influence it underwent, was too strong. It sounds more Arabic than Iberoromance. I'm still fascinated with the way Farsi adopted Arabic borrowings. Maybe I'll try to follow its example, so that "Arabo-Romance" could sound quite Spanish, but be enriched with Arabic cultural impact. Maybe Yiddish and Ladino can be other examples for setting patterns. I'm acquainted with Yiddish (superficially), but have no access to any Ladino resources. Any suggestions? > -Stephen (Steg) Con profundo exteramo, Yitzik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~