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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: Re: Origins of Jovian

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:43:22 +0200 "Y.Penzev" <isaacp@hidden.email> writes:
> A Mrc, 6 Nov 2002 16:47:30 Jan van Steenbergen escrisse:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> BTW There are some "Afro-Romance" conlangs in circulation:
> - Carthagenian (check RomanceConlang's archives),
> - Afar (only one sentence in Conlang's archives), and
> - Christophe's yet-unnamed Arabo-Romance language (did you realize 
> this   language after all, Christophe?).
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

> Strange as it may seem, but my VERY FIRST idea after joining the 
> Conlang
> group was an Arabo-Romance language too! A kind of Ladino, but with 
> Arabic
> adstratum instead of Hebrew. And the Arabic influence might be much 
> heavier,
> like e.g. in Farsi. The idea has not yet been implemented, but I 
> hope that this "P-1" (Ládíniyya ?) is still waiting for his hour!

> Salud,
> sempre vostro Yitzik
Have you looked at all at Mozarabe, the Iberian Romancelang that was
spoken in Al Andalús?  It might give you some ideas.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "en Catalañazor / perdió Almanzor / el atambor."

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