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Benevenat ad ou grup!! Jo laicrie sapre pluix super tou colangaix. J'heh inventat oul'Aingeljã, u~ nou-romanic langaix com inflwenzas dou spannes, ou catalã, ou galeu/portucales, ou franzes et oul'itallã, et tãbeu ggermanicas inflwenzas doul'angles et ou ggermannes. J'heh u~na qwestjõ per tu: ou Stat de "Tallin" de Lictensteinn hast aucu~na rilacjõ com a capitala cità de Stonna, "Talli~"?? [Welcome to the group!! I'd like to know more about your conlang. I have constructed Angelian, a neo-romance language with influences from Spanish, Catalan, Galician/Portuguese, French and Italian, and some Germanic influences from English and German. I have a question for you: the State of "Tallin" of Liechtenstein has anything to do with the capital city of Estonia, "Tallinn"??] Adio! / Bye! Aingel. A pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage http://es.geocities.com/aingelja/ --- In romanceconlang@y..., "Mat McVeagh" <matmcv@h...> wrote: > Hi! I have just joined the group. A couple of days ago I joined the conlang > and auxlang groups, and I've just found out about this. Maybe you are all > also members of the conlang group, but in case you're not I wanted to tell > you about my Romance conlang Ruman. > > Ruman is a Romance language spoken in the small central European state of > Tallin, which is roughly where Liechtenstein is in reality, plus the > surrounding area. Ruman is fairly conservative as a Romance language, having > not undergone drastic sound changes like French, Rumanian, Portuguese etc. > It is closest to Italian in general distance from Latin, but has more of the > style of Spanish. > > Originally when I first created Ruman, 16 years ago while at school, I was > going to write a story about Tallin in which the language featured. I never > got round to that, but now I have rediscovered conlanging I will start a new > website on which I will feature Ruman along with my other conlangs. > > Do you discuss Romance auxlangs on here?... Well, I also did a variation on > Esperanto which moved more towards Romance vocabulary... as did so many > others :). > > Hope to hear from you all soon, > > A sequito! (Until the next time!) > > Mat McVeagh > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband. > http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/freeactivation.asp