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Re: [romanceconlang] Introduction to the group - Introduccion in la grupa

 --- Mat McVeagh skrzypszy: 

> Hi! I have just joined the group. A couple of days ago I joined the conlang 
> and auxlang groups, and I've just found out about this. Maybe you are all 
> also members of the conlang group, but in case you're not I wanted to tell 
> you about my Romance conlang Ruman.

Bien'wniat! Hey Mat, welcome again! :) Glad you followed my link!
Needless to say that I'm eager to see a lot of Ruman in the near future.

You know already that what brought me here is a Polish-based Romance conlang,
Wenedyk. Check the archives and you will find some of my postings about it,
unfortunately out-of-date already, because I have thoroughly reworked the whole
thing since then. But I intend to resume posting soon.

< ciach >

> Do you discuss Romance auxlangs on here?... Well, I also did a variation on 
> Esperanto which moved more towards Romance vocabulary... as did so many 
> others :).

Why not? As long as it won't be in terms of "E-o sux, <...> rulez" (courtesy of
John Cowan)... But somehow I believe that an artlang like Ruman might find a
better audience than an auxlang that endeavours to be easy to learn and
understandable to everyone rather than to be nice, funny or pretty. Same thing
on Conlang, I'm afraid. But this is just my personal impression, not
necessarility uttered on behalf of the group. And I know that there are quite
some people on both lists who have been toying with the idea.


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