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Introduction to the group - Introduccion in la grupa

Hi! I have just joined the group. A couple of days ago I joined the conlang and auxlang groups, and I've just found out about this. Maybe you are all also members of the conlang group, but in case you're not I wanted to tell you about my Romance conlang Ruman.

Ruman is a Romance language spoken in the small central European state of Tallin, which is roughly where Liechtenstein is in reality, plus the surrounding area. Ruman is fairly conservative as a Romance language, having not undergone drastic sound changes like French, Rumanian, Portuguese etc. It is closest to Italian in general distance from Latin, but has more of the style of Spanish.

Originally when I first created Ruman, 16 years ago while at school, I was going to write a story about Tallin in which the language featured. I never got round to that, but now I have rediscovered conlanging I will start a new website on which I will feature Ruman along with my other conlangs.

Do you discuss Romance auxlangs on here?... Well, I also did a variation on Esperanto which moved more towards Romance vocabulary... as did so many others :).

Hope to hear from you all soon,

A sequito! (Until the next time!)

Mat McVeagh

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