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From: "aingelja" <aingelja@hidden.email> Benevenat ad ou grup!! Jo laicrie sapre pluix super tou colangaix. J'heh inventat oul'Aingeljã, u~ nou-romanic langaix com inflwenzas dou spannes, ou catalã, ou galeu/portucales, ou franzes et oul'itallã, et tãbeu ggermanicas inflwenzas doul'angles et ou ggermannes. J'heh u~na qwestjõ per tu: ou Stat de "Tallin" de Lictensteinn hast aucu~na rilacjõ com a capitala cità de Stonna, "Talli~"?? [Welcome to the group!! I'd like to know more about your conlang. I have constructed Angelian, a neo-romance language with influences from Spanish, Catalan, Galician/Portuguese, French and Italian, and some Germanic influences from English and German. I have a question for you: the State of "Tallin" of Liechtenstein has anything to do with the capital city of Estonia, "Tallinn"??] Adio! / Bye! Aingel. A pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage http://es.geocities.com/aingelja/
Thanks! Especially thanks for your piece in Angelian - I read and understand most of it before I looked at the translation! I like the look of "ou" for "il" definite article, "heh" for habeo, pres.1sg. of have, and many other points: it looks a very original language!
I'm afraid I can't reply in broad Ruman, but it is not that well developed, and in fact all my work on it was 16 or more years ago. However here are some bits to whet people's appetites:
bon giurno /bon'Zjurno/ good day, hello bona die /bona'dje bona'dZe/ good day (archaic) bon matin /boma'tin/ good morning bona tarde /bona'tarde/ good afternoon bon sero /bon'sero/ good evening bona nocte /bona'nokte/ good nightAs you can see, Ruman is much more conservative than Angelian, or probably most other Romance conlangs... maybe now I would move it on a bit, but this was what I wanted when I was 14 or so :) It is basically a compromise between Italian and Spanish, with bits of French and Portuguese thrown in.
How are you? [polite sg.] - Com'e? or, Com'e voste? /'kome 'voste/ [polite pl.] - Come son? or, Come son vostes? /'kome son 'vostes/ [famil. sg.] - Com'es? /ko'mes/ [famil. pl.] - Com'este? /ko'meste/ Answer: I am well - Soj bien /soj bjen/ We are well - Somo bien /'somo bien/Looking thru my exercise books I see that I wrote far more on my post-Esperanto conlang than I did on Ruman ;) I think Ruman was later in the day.
Parlá Rumano! /par'la ru'mano/ - Speak Ruman! Escrivá Rumano! /eskri'va/ - Write Ruman! Usí Rumano! /u'zi/ - Use Ruman! Aprendá Rumano! /apren'da/ - Learn Ruman! Descovré Rumano! /desko'vre/ - Discover Ruman! Ci ha Rumano! /tsi'a tsja/ - Here is Ruman! Insegná Rumano! /inse'nja/ - Teach Ruman! Avanciá Rumano! /avantsi'a avan'tsja/ - Promote Ruman!I didn't mention - "Ruman" is just our English name for it; it is "Rumano" in itself... and here are some more names for it and its country:
"Rumano - La Lingua del Paíse Talina" Ruman ... Rumano ... Talina English ... Ruman ... Tallin Français ... Rouman ... Taline Español ... Rumán ... Talín Italiano ... Romano ... Talena Deutsch ... Rümann ... TaleinTo answer your question, Aingel - no, Tallin does not have to do with the Estonian Tallin, it is just a coincidence; and that is only the name in English anyway. :)
That's about all I have time for right now folks. I am going to copy the info out of my notebooks and do a 'classical' Ruman on my website, then adjust it for a modern version, since I am not entirely happy with all the details... more realism, more irregularity, and more distinctiveness are needed.
In the meantime - Te revero /te re'vero/ (I'll see you again), A sequito /as'kito/ (until next time), Adió! /adi'o/ (Goodbye!)
--- In romanceconlang@y..., "Mat McVeagh" <matmcv@h...> wrote: > Hi! I have just joined the group. A couple of days ago I joined the conlang > and auxlang groups, and I've just found out about this. Maybe you are all > also members of the conlang group, but in case you're not I wanted to tell > you about my Romance conlang Ruman. > > Ruman is a Romance language spoken in the small central European state of > Tallin, which is roughly where Liechtenstein is in reality, plus the > surrounding area. Ruman is fairly conservative as a Romance language, having > not undergone drastic sound changes like French, Rumanian, Portuguese etc. > It is closest to Italian in general distance from Latin, but has more of the > style of Spanish. > > Originally when I first created Ruman, 16 years ago while at school, I was > going to write a story about Tallin in which the language featured. I never > got round to that, but now I have rediscovered conlanging I will start a new > website on which I will feature Ruman along with my other conlangs. > > Do you discuss Romance auxlangs on here?... Well, I also did a variation on > Esperanto which moved more towards Romance vocabulary... as did so many > others :). > > Hope to hear from you all soon, > > A sequito! (Until the next time!) > > Mat McVeagh > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband. > http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/freeactivation.aspTo unsubscribe to this group, sell your soul to Satan, do not pass go, do not collect $200. In other words, you're stuck here now!!Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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