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Re: Introduccion del lingua rumano

--- In romanceconlang@y..., "Mat McVeagh" <matmcv@h...> wrote:

> I didn't mention - "Ruman" is just our English name for it; it is 
> in itself... and here are some more names for it and its country:

There are already other conlangs called "Ruman", AFAIK... it seems 
to be an exceptionally popular name for romlangs.  ;-)  Is there
another name by which one could refer to it?  Talinés maybe?

> Deutsch ... Rümann ... Talein

Any reason why you added an Umlaut and a double n?  Considering 
that most language names in German end in -isch, I would have 
expected "Rumanisch".  Of course, that would be very close to 
the existing "Rumänisch" (Romanian) or "(Rhaeto-)Romanisch" 

> In the meantime - Te revero /te re'vero/ (I'll see you again), A 
> /as'kito/ (until next time), Adió! /adi'o/ (Goodbye!)

Ah, cool, the first two sound refreshingly different from the 
romlangs I know.  =)  Do you have more such idiomatic expressions?

Since my romlang Jovian is derived from Classical Latin rather than
Vulgar Latin, I tried to avoid certain beaten tracks of VL by 
creating new or adopting less-known idioms for such occasion, or
at least making sure they don't *sound* too familiar.  ;-)  Examples:

|oc| [Ax] "yes (affirmative)", from |hoc| rather than |sic|;
|taeme| [tajm] "yes (contrastive)", from |tamen|;
|vae| [vaj] "hello", from |vale| (|vae| also happens to mean "very",
     from |valde|);
|bloro| ["blo:rA] "please", from |te imploro|;
|uscad pox| [,USk@p"pAS] "see ya later", from |usque ad post(ea)|;
|is ja id| [i ja i] "the; he, she, it", from |is ea id| rather
     than |ille illa illud|;
|bembeindu| [bem"bend@] "welcome".

-- Christian Thalmann