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Possessive pronouns in Wenedyk (was: Possessive_pronouns_in_Aingeljã)

Okay, talking about possessive pronouns, here are mine (in Wenedyk, of course):

       M       F       N
1.     miej    mia     miu
2.     twej    cia     ciu
3MN.   ej      eja     eju
3F.    jej     jeja    jeju

1.     noszcz  nosza   noszu
2.     wieszcz wiesza  wieszu
3MN.   jór     jora    joru
3F.    jar     jara    jaru

All    swej    s'wia   s'wiu

Since Wenedyk has no article (and it seems to me, that it's the only Romance
language that has this feature) contraction is not an item.


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