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Re: Possessive pronouns in Wenedyk (was: Possessive_pronouns_in_Aingeljã)

Wow, Jan... How can you pronounce that "noszcz" or that "wieszcz" ?? 
That sounds like Polish to me!

A pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage

--- In romanceconlang@y..., Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@y...> 
> Okay, talking about possessive pronouns, here are mine (in 
Wenedyk, of course):
> Singular:
>        M       F       N
> 1.     miej    mia     miu
> 2.     twej    cia     ciu
> 3MN.   ej      eja     eju
> 3F.    jej     jeja    jeju
> Plural:
> 1.     noszcz  nosza   noszu
> 2.     wieszcz wiesza  wieszu
> 3MN.   jór     jora    joru
> 3F.    jar     jara    jaru
> Reflexive
> All    swej    s'wia   s'wiu
> Since Wenedyk has no article (and it seems to me, that it's the 
only Romance
> language that has this feature) contraction is not an item.
> Jan
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