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Hi. My name's Ángel and I'm new in this group. I see you have been talking about possessive pronouns, if they need the definite article or not. In my romance conlang, Aingeljã, maybe quite influenced by Spanish (my mother tongue), possessive pronouns are not preceded by articles. However, they are quite similar as you can see: * The definite articles are: Singular: Masculine: ou, oul' (before vowels or "h"). Femenine: a, al' (before vowels or "h"). Plural: Masculine: ous. Femenine: as. * The possessive determiners and the possessive pronouns are equal, and are: Singular: 1st person: mou, moul', mous, ma, mal', mas (my; mine) 2nd person: tou, toul', tous, ta, tal', tas (your; yours) 3rd person: sou, soul', sous, sa, sal', sas (his, her, its; his, hers, its) Plural: 1st person: nou, noul', nous, na, nal', nas (our; ours) 2nd person, vou, voul', vous, va, val', vas (your; yours) 3rd person: sou, soul', sous, sa, sal', sas (their; theirs) The difference between the determiners and the pronouns is in the stress: Determiners are not stressed, but pronouns are. And of course, determiners accompany a name, and pronouns don't. For example: "My house is mine" is "Ma casa eh ma", the first "ma" is the determiner, the second one is the pronoun. Adio. Ángel. A pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage http://es.geocities.com/aingelja