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Re: [romanceconlang] al limba Cardadjina

Christophe wrote:

> Always? So I guess |g| is always /g/? This language didn't get a
> fricativisation of its velar stops in front of /e/ and /i/? Not bad per
se, but
> I would like to know the historical reason, since this fricativisation
> happened in Vulgar Latin... Or did they have a spelling reform? :))

It took place in some non-standard dialects during the early centuries of
the Christian Era, and was indeed accepted in Rome by the 5th century. The
change is not universal, though. In Central Sardinian the fricativization of
velars did never take place: Latin _centum_ yields [kentu]. Also, on the
Dalmatian coast (when Romance dialects were still spoken) we had CI > [tSi],
but CE was pronounced [ke].
