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En réponse à Adam Walker <dreamertwo@hidden.email>: > Here is some tentative vocab in al limba Cardadjina. > > s is /S/ initially and before a consonant, other wise /s/ > j is /Z/ > dj is /dZ/ I like this digraph. It doesn't look Romance at all and yet is quite logical :) . > ch is /tS/ > x is /S/ > n~ is /n_j/ > c is /k/ > Always? So I guess |g| is always /g/? This language didn't get a fricativisation of its velar stops in front of /e/ and /i/? Not bad per se, but I would like to know the historical reason, since this fricativisation already happened in Vulgar Latin... Or did they have a spelling reform? :)) [snip examples] Interesting, though like Luca I'd be interested to know more about the article :)) . But a Romance language with singular endings that make it look like an Eastern Romance lang but plural formation of the Western kind can only be interesting :)) . Christophe. http://rainbow.conlang.free.fr Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.