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Re: [romanceconlang] North African Vulgar Latin

On Friday, May 03, 2002 1:25 am, Barry Garcia wrote:
> A small question of mine if i'm not imposing on your thread :), is it
> realistic for the intervocalic g in Spanish (is it /G/?) to evolve into
> the glide /j/? If so, i think it's the final change needed to make me
> totally happy with Montreiano:
> orig: avogáo (lawyer), new: avoyáo

I like it! It is possible for /G/ to become /j/. For that matter, it's 
possible for other very faintly-pronounced fricatives to become /j/; I've 
heard of /D/ > /j/ before. Also, in Spanish there are some sporadic instances 
of /D/ and maybe /G/ becoming /j/ -- the only one I can think of right now is 
(des)nuyo, but that unfortunately got leveled in favor of the more regular 
desnudo that you hear today.

AFMCL, I still haven't found a good solid way to prevent long strings of 
vowels resulting from sounds dropping. I could even see advocatu- becoming 
/ao"ao/ :) Hmm, Hawaiian Romancelang, anyone? *

> *note: i'm using y now for two things: to make sure what originally would
> be written as i is read as /j/ as in the above: avoiáo (could be
> misinterpreted as /avoj?'au/ instead of the proper /avo'ja?o/ ).  Also to
> break up what i call "vowel monotony" (too many vowels in a row, such as
> in cavauiairo, now: cavauyairo).

Where does the -y- sound come from, anyway?

* I believe someone once set out to make a language of Romans who somehow 
colonized Polynesia, but I don't know any more about it.