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Re: [romanceconlang] North African Vulgar Latin

Adam Walker escreva:
So, I thought I might do the same thing with CL and thus set up a chain of
changes.  GL, BL, V'L could follow a similar chain

GL > /bl/
BL > /vl/
VL > /Z/  Though I'm not sure I like that.  VL looks awfully Slavic.  But
then, Romanian has it.  Thinking . . .

FWIW, how about medially vC becomes uC, e.g. numer'a:bilis -> VL nomr'ablis (with deletion of intertonic vowels and lowering of atonic /u/) -> nomr'auli? Initially BL (which is a rare initial cluster in Latin anyway) might become bl > vl > vw or bl > vl > l?

>I'm also a bit conflicted on these. Originally in Montreiano I had them
>change to:
>CL>/gj/ - OCULUS > OCLUS > oquio > oguio
>PL>/bj/ - PLENA > piena > biena
>FL>/vj/ - FLOREM > fiore > vior
>But i'm not quite sure if i'm too happy with it (let's just say i'm mostly
>settled). The changes seem logical to me though.

I like it.  It seems logical to me.

It seems that in some varieties of Romance post-consonantal /l/ became /l_j/, e.g. PLENU /pleno/ > /pl_jeno/. In Spanish the initial consonant was assimilated to the second element, giving lleno /l_jeno/ and in Italian the /l_j/ became the glide /j/, giving pieno /pjeno/


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