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Re: [romanceconlang] North African Vulgar Latin

En réponse à Adam Walker <dreamertwo@hidden.email>:

> That's exactly what Romanian does.  AQUA > APA  EQUAM > IAPA

Probably because it was already dissimilated as CINQUE in Republic's times 
(funny when you think that the very form QUINQUE comes from PIE *PENKWE after 
assimilation :)) ).

> QUA > pa
> QUO > po
> QUU > pu
> QUI > chi
> QUE > whe
> Does this look realistic??

I would treat i and e the same way. But for the rest it looks realistic.

> Also, Romanian develops Latin ct > pt.  So, I *might* do that too.

Good idea in my opinion :) .

> Does anyone know if Algerian and Tunisian Arabic is closer to Egyptian
> or 
> Moroccan?

Definitely Moroccan. The Egyptian dialect is well-known for being the one of 
the most famous Arabic speaking popstars, but it's very difficult to understand 
for all Arabic speakers of the Maghreb. On the other hand, an Algerian and a 
Moroccan can understand each other quite well, although they have different 



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