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From: Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@hidden.email> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 18:20:49 +0200 (MEST) En réponse à Nik Taylor <fortytwo@hidden.email>: > > Another possibility, if you want to have a really unique romance lang, > would be /kw/ -> /kf/, or /kw/ -> /xw/ -> /w_0/ -> /f/ > That's a nice one! I see very well happening before /e/ and /i/, while /kw/would become /p/ before /a/, /o/ and /u/. So we would get a correspondance /p/-/f/ which is pretty nice :)) . Christophe.
Actually, I think this is what I'm going to do! Thanks Nick for the KW > F path and Christophe for pointing out the nice pairing of P and F.
So I'd get stuff like: QUATTRO > patro QUANDO > pando QUALE > pale QUINDECIM > findeche CINQUE > chinfe AEQUALE > ebale AQUA > aba LINGUA > linba > limba or linda SANGUE > sanve QUETARE > fedare QUI > fi QUAERO > fero ANTIGUA > antiba Some of these invoke voicing rules. I like. What say you guys? So lift the cup of joy and take a big drink. In spite of it all it's a beautiful world. -------Suzanne Knutzen _________________________________________________________________Join the world?s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. http://www.hotmail.com