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romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes: >So I'd get stuff like: > >QUATTRO > patro >QUANDO > pando >QUALE > pale >QUINDECIM > findeche >CINQUE > chinfe >AEQUALE > ebale >AQUA > aba >LINGUA > linba > limba or linda >SANGUE > sanve >QUETARE > fedare >QUI > fi >QUAERO > fero >ANTIGUA > antiba > >Some of these invoke voicing rules. I like. What say you guys? Oooh, i like this a lot! It's very nice too. And if you choose "limba" it would trick some who know into thinking it's related to Rumanian :) (of course you could go with "linda". Would be a neat linguistic trick and fool Spanish speakers into thinking you mean "beautiful") __________________________ Well you'd like to think that you were invincible. Yeah, well weren't we all once before we felt loss for the first time?