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Re: [romanceconlang] North African Vulgar Latin

romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
>So I'd get stuff like:
>QUATTRO > patro
>QUANDO  > pando
>QUALE   > pale
>QUINDECIM > findeche
>CINQUE  > chinfe
>AEQUALE > ebale
>AQUA    > aba
>LINGUA  > linba > limba or linda
>SANGUE  > sanve
>QUETARE > fedare
>QUI     > fi
>QUAERO  > fero
>ANTIGUA > antiba
>Some of these invoke voicing rules.  I like.  What say you guys?

Oooh, i like this a lot! It's very nice too. And if you choose "limba" it
would trick some who know into thinking it's related to Rumanian :) (of
course you could go with "linda". Would be a neat linguistic trick and
fool Spanish speakers into thinking you mean "beautiful")

Well you'd like to think that you were invincible. 
Yeah, well weren't we all once before we felt loss for the first time?