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Latest news items from the Balkans (Ill Bethisad) APD = Axhencia da Presa da Dalmatia SNA = Sandzacka Novinska Agencija RAGUZA, Republic of Dalmatia (APD) Biafiaruri da Dalmatia (BD), the state-run railway company of Dalmatia has announced in Raguza today, simultaneously with Hrvatske Drzavne Zeljeznice (HDZ), BD's Croatian counterpart, that agreements have been finalised regarding the running of passenger and goods trains between Dalmatia and Croatia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Dalmatia has announced that in relation to this agreement, the borders will be opened for goods traffic, but that no agreement has been made yet regarding passenger traffic. Road borders between the two countries are still closed. This agreement is a sign that relations between the two countries are thawing after six years of war. NOVI PAZAR, Islamic Republic of Sanjak (SNA) The Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Sanjak, Faruk Hadzibegovic, has accused the Kingdom of Serbia of inciting the Serbian minority in northern Sanjak to be disobedient. The accusation comes after three days of near-riots in several towns in northern Sanjak where Serbs are in the majority, after the government announced that the Islamic law prohibiting the consumption of alcohol will apply to all citizens of Sanjak, including non-Muslims. Prior to this, non-Muslims were granted the right to produce and consume alcohol, but this right has not officially been taken away, despite the announcement that the anti-alcohol law applies to non-Muslims as well. Duke Vuk Mihajlovic, the Serbian foreign minister, said that allegations are untrue. He went on to say that any citizen of any country would be displeased by such oxymoronic laws. -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Suurt chugunikka peene ahjo suhe et toukka. Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: http://www.geocities.com/uralica railways page: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3976/ 25kV 50Hz: http://www.mp3.com/25kV50Hz