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I'm currently ill with tonsilitis, and so taking time off work. Not only
does this give me more oppurtunity to be "nursed" by the other half, it also
allows me to shamelessly indulge in blatantly gratuitous conlanging. So,
after playing about with a Latin dictionary and the phonology section of
Gordon's "An Introduction to Old Norse" I've come up with the first bits of a
new language: Dæné (from the Latin dánica). The theory behind it is thus:
The Romans advanced far north enough to colonise Angeln, (probably
after the Angles left, so they were probably fleeing the rampaging Franks and
came to Angeln in boats), and by contact with the Danes to the north (who they
eventually displaced) mutated Vulgar Latin into a Germano-Romance hybrid with
lots of Celtic words thrown in for good measure, the settlers were from Armorica
or possibly Northern Britain. Somewhere Celtic, anyway. So I like Celtic.
To give a quick sample, here's my sig in Dæné (a *very* rough
Á rjórðaþ de vértáðal ko dyttest,
Æt ama un all er veða fél de djo.
And a few words:
water: ok (aqua)
horse: kafol (caballus)
grass: hjarf (herba)
young: uven (iuvenis)
door: ó,n (iánua)
father: páð (páter)
máter: máð (máter)
Any thoughts?
E souvein-te della veritát que se ja dissó, And remember the truth that once was spoken, Amer un autre es veder le visaic de
To love anonther person is to see the face of god. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |