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Re: [romanceconlang] Adverbs

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:03:23 -0500 Nik Taylor <fortytwo@hidden.email> writes:
> languages?  I'm thinking maybe abstract nouns with -cum, for example:
> Quickly = celeritatecum, i.e., celeritas in the ablative with -cum. 
> This would produce the Román -ìtátèchì (/i-'TaTExi-/, rather a 
> lengthy
> ending, altho perhaps frequent usage would make the penultimate 
> vowel be
> dropped, yielding -ìtacchì (/i-'Taki-/) or even just -tacchì, but 
> that would create certain assimilations.
> -- 
> ICQ: 18656696
> AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42
I was thinking about a similar strategy for Jûdajca, based on the Hebrew
style, which also uses a "with noun" strategy to create adverbs.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "Sabbtâ bona!"

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