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romanceconlang@hidden.email writes: >Cool, Barry :) I've been wondering -- how do Romance langs besides Spanish >handle "another"? In Spanish it's <otro/otra>, NEVER <un otro/una otra>, >so >I did the same in my translation, but I'm not sure how it's handled >elsewhere. > Hah, that was a very minor error on my part (letting English influence my translations ;). E recòrdate la verá que á sío fauláo, amal otra pesona es vel la cara de díos. According to the Babbling Fish (babelfish.altavista.com), French uses autre, Portuguese: outros, Italian: un altro. So, it is possible to use "un/a otra/o" if babelfish is correct ;). ____________________________ Aunque vengas de rodillas y me implores y me pidas aunque vengas y me llores que te absuelva y te perdone Aunque a mi me causes pena he tirado tus cadenas