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cross-references in K-E: fugo, xugo

In K-E "fugo" and "fugonsa" refer to the other pair in the set of three (including "fugonca"), but "fugonca" does not:

>fugo - sitting (down), seated. Batsa byo fugo niju te monyo
    memyu gepebyo = That sitting person with the yellow ruler is an
    astronaut. See also "fugonsa" and "fugonca".

fugonca - sit (down), seat oneself. Pi buxuski mi budinge pokxe ne
    jafugonca bupedi caykxe bunago te geji = I climbed down from the
    roof and sat down near the dirty bird cage.

fugonsa - sit, be sitting down, be seated. Vibemba mi letubyo
    jafugonsa butansatse vodi bucikxe mensa = I persuaded the actors
    to quietly sit on the hot floor. See also "fugo" and "fugonca".

None of the similar entries for "xugo", "xugonsa", and "xugonca" has any cross references.
