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The proper name "Kaxtebyo"

It just occurred to me that the proper name "Kaxtebyo" is not valid
because "xtebyo" is not a valid root (it starts with a consonant
cluster).  If you wish to use "xte", then it must be bracketed:


But if your using brackets, then why not do it right:


However, since "Stefan/Steven/Stephan/Stephen" is relatively common,
I'm willing to allocate a real proper name for it.  How about
"Kasetibyo" or "Kasetifabyo"?  Let me know what you think.

Keep in mind, though, that translation software will translate the name
into the most common equivalent in the target language.  For example,
"Kamaryabyo" will be translated to English "Mary", French "Marie",
Italian "Maria", and (perhaps) Japanese "Mariko".  To guarantee the
original spelling, you MUST use brackets.


Rick Morneau