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Re: Hello!

By the way, I can guess the meaning of some of the Interglossa words
that Jeffrey Henning posted, but I'm not sure of all of them.  Before
dissecting them, it might be a good idea to provide examples of their
use with English translations.

For example, in
>  acouste | hearer | stimulus | --

Is "stimulus" the sound that is heard or something that causes the
hearer to listen?  In any case:

  Xxxzdi mi tamwa          - P/F-s
  = I hear the speech.
  Xxxzdinva mi tumi tamwa  - A/P/F-s
  = I'm causing you to hear the speech.

where "xxx" is the semi-root for the sense 'hearing' (which I haven't
assigned yet).

> acte | performer | performance | victim

"Acte" seems to mean 'do', as in:

  Xonza mi bamwa = I'm doing research.       - AP/F-s
  Xo mi casne = I did something to the cat.  - A/P-d

> balle | motive agent | what is moved | --
>   | (sender) | | --

Agentive movement in Katanda can be expressed using derivations of
locative case tags:

  Vodimba mi setoy vozwe              - A/P/F-d
  = I put the money on the table.
  Bucidinva mi setoy vozwe            - A/P/F-s
  = I'm keeping the money under the table.
  Bucidinga kixomse setoy vozwe       - P/F-d
  = How did the money get under the table?

And so on.  I'll leave the rest up to others.


Rick Morneau