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Okay, now we're up to nine people in this group. Cool. Is there anyone here who has already gone through the lessons posted on Rick's web-site? I've gone through to lesson 8, acquiring a vocabulary of maybe 250 words, but that was a couple of months ago, so now I'm back at lesson 4 with 100+ words. The cool thing about Katanda, though, is that its morphemes are so powerful that words are easy to learn, remember, and derive, so vocab won't be that difficult to learn, if time is given to it. I'm already using a Mac OS X flashcard program to drill myself in general vocabulary as well as classifiers, and affixes, but it's taking awhile to type out all of the cards. What are other people doing? What are some tricks or resources we might be able to share to make learning this, and other languages easier? How much effort are individual people going to put into learning it? As far as LexSem goes, I read it maybe a month ago, understood most of it, but the whole "A/P-s" type notation for verbs and their derivations still takes some effort to understand. Perhaps that should be another set of flashcards...if anyone has Mac OS X, I'd be happy to share those flashcard sets as they are developed. Like I've said, I'm new to this stuff, so I'm waiting for other people to put out suggestions for how we might move forward. Take care, all, Jeremy