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Re: [jboske] Re: [WikiDiscuss] Re: [WikiChanges] BPFK Section: lerfu Forming cmavo

--- Jordan DeLong <fracture@hidden.email> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 08:20:37AM -0800, Jorge Llambmas wrote:
> [...]
> > It seems to be an ungrammatical wart anyway... But it would be
> > useful to be able to quote bu-letterals with zo...
> It would not be useful, it would be inconsistent.
> {.abu} is *two* words.  zo never quotes more than one word.

{zo a bu} is going to be exceptional one way or another in any
case. It would seem there are three obvious choices:

A- Ungrammatical. (Apparently the current situation.)
   This is an exception to zo quoting the following word
   and to bu turning the previous word into a lerfu.
B- A lerfu based of "zo a". This would be an exception to bu 
   taking a single word.
C- A quotation of "a bu". This would be an exception to zo
   taking a single word.

I can understand you arguing that A is the most consistent, 
but I can't see how you can take anything but C as the most 

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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