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Posted to http://www.lojban.org/wiki/index.php/XS%20gadri%20proposal%20--%20And%27s%20 version: In XS, (tu'o)lV means, essentially, "Mr Group of su'o/tu'o Broda". I suggest the following extension. (i) Let (tu'o)lV'i mean "Mr Mathematical Set of", so as to be consistent with both CLL and XS. (ii) Let (tu'o)lVi mean "Mr Xod-collective of", where a xod-collective is a kind of group that shares none of its properties with its constituents; there are no other cmavo-based ways of expressing xod-collectives. Outer and inner PA would mean the same for all gadri. --------- In this scheme, none of the gadri are redundant, and the overall scheme is symmetrical and internally consistent. lo'e and le'e aren't included, but the lack of an a-gadri counterpart makes them not belong to the system anyway. But given extended-XS and CLL-intent, (tu'o)lo'e would be "Mr Thing With Only The Default Properties of Brodas". --And.