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Re: [jboske] Dr. Rosta's comments on my gadri whitepaper

On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, And Rosta wrote:

> xod:
> > And Rosta writes:
> >
> >     *  Nonspecific is more general than Any. (Further discussion on jboske
> > if required.)
> >     * Given that XS handles Collective & Substance, a messy conflation in
> > loi/lei is not so disastrous. Or they could be disambiguated as lViza'u
> > versus lVitu'o, analogously to the XS approach and using what was
> > originally your suggestion.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Your ideas of Nonspecific and Any will only get lost in the shuffle here
> > -- as they probably already have, since you've probably expressed them
> > several times yet -- so it would be best if you added a definitional
> > section to your XS page. Then we can use jboske to attempt to reconcile
> > our conflicting but finally well-documented definitions.
> Nonspecific is a linguistics term, not part of XS. If you're using it with
> a definition of your own, better to choose a different term. "Somebody" is
> nonspecific in "I'm sure somebody loves me" = "I'm sure that it's not the
> case that nobody loves me" = "I'm sure there is somebody that loves me".
> But it's not Any.

What are the differences? "Anybody loves me" sounds weird in English, but
we must try not to be misled by the artifacts of that barbaric language. I
am always uneasy about using English for these discussions. "I'm sure
somebody loves me"  = "I am sure that [at least] ANY one of those people
out there love me."

> > Your XS ignores Collectives, treating them as identical to pluralities.
> If you are defining a Collective as a plurality such that "lV-collective
> cu broda" necessarily means that the members of the group aren't each
> a broda, then XS does ignore this, but it's not what Collective normally
> means and it's not something I feel it is important to be able to express.
> If this isn't what you mean by Collective, then XS may well handle it.
> Otherwise, it would be desirable for you to choose a different term
> instead of 'Collective' and argue for the need for a way of expressing it.

You're right. See my zi message to Jorge.

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