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Re: [jboske] Quine vs Montague, the deathmatch

> la and cusku di'e
> > I've posted the one I'd been doing at
> >
> >
> > version
> >
> > My next job is to compare it to xorxes's & perhaps produce a unified
> > version.
> Wr might keep the two versions so that each can emphasize
> whatever parts we like. I think they are both in agreement.


> The only thing from your version I wasn't sure about is:
> "The default inner PA for lo can remain lo(ro), as in CLL."
> I think that doesn't work. {lo pa broda} is Mr Single Broda,
> {lo re broda} is Mr Pair of Prodas, {lo so'i broda} is
> Mr Many Brodas, then {lo ro Broda} is Mr All Brodas, a very
> large individual, not the lean individual that appears here and
> there again and again, but the big one that is all over the place
> all the time. {lo ro broda} is {piro loi ro broda} (in the collective
> reading of loi): all the avatars together, isn't it?
> The default I would expect is {lo pa broda}, Mr Individual Broda,
> if we need a default at all. Having no default would be better.

The idea is thst "lo PA broda" is a category of broda groups each
of which is of cardinality PA. Since ro is defined as the cardinality
of the set it is applied to, and PA is the cardinality of each
group of broda, it follows that "lo ro broda" is a category of broda
groups each of which has a cardinality specified as nothing but
its own cardinality. This is exactly analogous -- in its workings
and its uninformativeness -- to CLL lo('i) ro broda, where ro
specifies the cardinality of the set of all broda as its own cardinality.

The attraction of leaving default inner PA as ro is that it requires
no change from CLL. Because it is completely uninformative -- and
compatible with any value, including no and tu'o --, it is effectively
equivalent to no default. Of course, in usage the interpretation of
cardinality as pa would overwhelmingly predominate.

equivalent to