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Re: [jboske] Mr. Bird has 2 wings (was: essentials of a gadri system)

Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:

> If Mr Bird is an entity, and you have seen Mr Bird in the guise of 
> Thorondor, then you have seen an entity that has been known sometime 
> as Paulie (though not at the time you saw it.).

Fair enough.

> Why not? If you saw Mr Bird eat meat, then at least at that point
> Mr Bird was being carnivorous. You can't claim that it is seen by you
> but it does not eat whatever it is eating.

I am using the word "carnivore" in the sense not of an animal that eats
animal flesh, but in the sense of an animal that (with trivial exceptions)
eats nothing else.  Thus there are carnivores and herbivores and animals that
eat both meat and plants, but there is nothing that is both a carnivore and
a herbivore, since "eats only meat" and "eats only plants" are mutually

Yet if Paulie is an herbivore and Thorondor is a carnivore, then Mr. Bird
either has self-contradictory properties, or is neither a carnivore nor an
herbivore.  (This is not the same as "Mr. Bird eats meat .e plants", which
is true.)

> > For the record, this John Cowan (but see
> > http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/notme.html)
> > doesn't drink tea, or any other similar beverage.
> At no point in his life?

Indeed.  Unless taking a sip, bacru-ing an attitudinal of disgust, and spitting
the sip out counts as "drinking".

John Cowan      jcowan@hidden.email        http://www.reutershealth.com
        "Not to know The Smiths is not to know K.X.U."  --K.X.U.