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Re: [jboske] CLL lo'e broda is lo jai ka broda (was: Mr. Bird has 2 wings (was: essentials of a gadri system))

Invent Yourself scripsit:

> I think you're trying to say that the most we can say about Mr. Bird is
> that he has the minimal properties shared by 'all birds'. I believe this
> is given by lo jai ka cipni; whereas le'e = le jai ka cipni.

No, because it's true that <theKind> cipni se viska mi, which is not a property
shared by ro lo cipni.

First known example of political correctness:   John Cowan
"After Nurhachi had united all the other        http://www.reutershealth.com
Jurchen tribes under the leadership of the      http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
Manchus, his successor Abahai (1592-1643)       jcowan@hidden.email
issued an order that the name Jurchen should       --S. Robert Ramsey,
be banned, and from then on, they were all         _The Languages of China_
to be called Manchus."