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essentials of a gadri system

As a contribution to the discussion, I thought I'd sketch 
what I think the essentials of a gadri system would be. I
am ignoring both the current system, and the question of
how to express these essentials verbally.

1. Kind. Requires specification of the property that
defines the Kind (e.g. "is a snake", "is a pair of
snakes", "is 75% of Oregonians", "is the stereotypical
Greek Australian").

2. Collective of everything with property P. Requires
specification of P. There could be an optional noi-statement
(i.e. incidental: asserted (truth conditional) but non-defining) 
of the cardinality of the collective.

3. A specific Collective. Plus optional noi-statement (e.g.
of cardinality or of the Superset the specific Collective 
belongs to). Plus optional voi-statement (i.e. unasserted 
(nontruthconditional) description (e.g. of cardinality or of 
the Superset the Collective belongs to).

4. Named Collective. The Collective is identified by name
(cmene). Plus optional noi- and voi-statements (of cardinality
and/or Superset).

5. Is-a-Subkind-of. Binary predicate taking Kind as one argument.

6. Subset-of: "is n% of" (= "contains x out of every y members 
of"), where n can be left vague and have the meaning "is a subset 
of". Binary predicates taking 1-4 as one argument.

7. Each-member-of. -- Distributivizer. Applies to 1-4.

8. Existentially quantified variable (Collective). Plus optional 
noi/poi-statement of cardinality or Superset.

I'm tempted to suggest how this could be lexicalized, but there
doesn't seem much point in succumbing to this temptation, since
the result would not bear any resemblance to the status quo.
