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Some comments on tags

1. A single word tag (swt) is a cmavo of selma'o BAI, KI, CUhE, 
ZI, PU, VA, FAhA, ZEhA, VEhA, VIhA, TAhE, ZAhO or CAhA, i.e. 
any cmavo that can function as a tag by itself.

2. A selbri can be modified by any number of swt's at a time,
in any order. They can appear as terms with {ku}, e.g. {ka'eku 
ri'iku co'aku baiku broda}, or directly tagging the selbri separated 
by {ja'a}, e.g. {ka'e ja'a ri'i ja'a co'a ja'a bai broda}.  

3. The order in which the tags modify the selbri matters.
For example {ka'e ja'a co'a broda} "it is possible that it 
starts to broda", but {co'a ja'a ka'e broda} "it starts to be 
possible that broda". {ri'i ja'a bai broda} "regularly it brodas 
forcedly", but {bai ja'a ri'i broda} "it is forced to broda 
regularly", etc.

4. Some combinations of tags are privileged, in that they
can form a compound tag without need of an intervening {ja'a}.
For example: 

co'a ja'a ri'i broda = co'a ri'i broda
ri'i ja'a co'a broda = ri'i co'a broda
co'a ja'a ka'e broda = co'a ka'e broda

Others are not allowed:

ka'e ja'a co'a broda = * ka'e co'a broda
bai ja'a ri'i broda = * bai ri'i broda
ri'i ja'a bai broda = * ri'i bai broda

Which combinations are allowed is determined by arbitrary rules 
of the grammar.

5. I'm not sure whether the bpfk has a mandate to fix this mess,
but hopefully it will be fixed at some point.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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