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According to the refgram, BIhI can take no GAhO or two, and when {mi'i} is surrounded by GAhO, the first indicates whether the lower end is closed, and the second indicates whether the upper end is. Now consider sum(n=1...inf) (z^(-n!))/n. This converges on 0 mi'i 1, but it is impossible to say that it converges on a closed disk or an open one: if the angle (called "argument") of z is a rational number of degrees, it diverges at that point on the boundary, whereas for some other points it converges. Also some series (involving terms like 1/x) diverge at the center. I think it is therefore more useful if the GAhO before {mi'i} indicates whether the center is closed, and the one after indicates whether the outside is closed, and one may be stated and the other omitted. phma -- .i toljundi do .ibabo mi'afra tu'a do .ibabo damba do .ibabo do jinga .icu'u la ma'atman.