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Re: [jboske] RE: events which don't exist do, because our gadri don't do what we need (was Re: "x1 is a Y for doing x2" (was: RE: Re: antiblotation(was: RE: taksi))

Jordan DeLong scripsit:

> Them there savages can't not thunk it like us white folk.  They
> ain't even got no word for 'compassion', I tell ye.

<p lang="en-ru">Ha.  As is well known, superstitious Americans cannot
even make obvious distinction between _sinii_ and _goluboi_, but refer
to both colors as merely "blue".  Further, they introduce spurious and
irrelevant distinction between proximal and distal parts of obviously
unitary body part _ruka_, namely "arm" and "hand".  Americans clearcut
victims of much dreaded Whorfian mind lock.<p>

First known example of political correctness:   John Cowan
"After Nurhachi had united all the other        http://www.reutershealth.com
Jurchen tribes under the leadership of the      http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
Manchus, his successor Abahai (1592-1643)       jcowan@hidden.email
issued an order that the name Jurchen should       --S. Robert Ramsey,
be banned, and from then on, they were all         _The Languages of China_
to be called Manchus."