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Re: [lojban] Re: antiblotation (was: RE: taksi

[migrating to jboske]

And Rosta scripsit:
> The question is whether it is a marcrtaxi now if it doesn't have a
> passenger now. One answer might be No. 

I think it is not a ca'a marce now, but it is a ka'e marce now, so it
is a marce now.

> (Another analogy is
> baptism, where it would be useful to have one predicate meaning
> "get baptized" and another meaning "has been baptized".)

I think the basic brivla is "be in a baptized state", and then one
makes a tanru or lujvo with binxo to signify "enter the baptized state".

> I can certainly see the sense of this view. English "taxi" would then
> translate as "marcrtaksi zei marce", a lujvo with the fare place
> got rid of, and only the vehicle place left. However, one could
> not then hail that which is now a marcrtaksi, or wait for one,
> for, of course, one waits for and hails a now-passengerless taxi.

No, one hails a ka'e marcrtaxi (hopefully one with a driver already)
so that it can become a ka'e marcrtaxi.

BTW, I propose the asymmetric lujvo venma'e for the vehicle of which
taxis are one type, with the veljvo "te vencu marce" and the place
structure "m1 is a vehicle carrying passenger m2=v3 with driver v1
for price v4 on surface/medium m3 propelled by m4".  v2 is implicitly the event
of vehicling around and can be omitted, and the fifth and sixth places
allow us to express "water taxi" and "rickshaw".

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