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[lojban] Re: BPFK phpbb

Which reminds me, {xu} is another word that doesn't really rightly belong
in UI. I'd put it in JAhA instead (or is it NA?).

That said, I think that tidying up the grammar falls outside the scope of
the BF. The BF is supposed to complete rather than titivate, and to
fix only what is broken rather than what is merely shoddy.


>>> lojban-out@hidden.email 04/30/03 06:40am >>>
On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 10:30:22PM -0500, Jordan DeLong wrote:
> If someone writes up a proposal allowing kau after KOhA and *only*
> after KOhA I will support it.

That kills mokau.
mu'o mi'e kau rab.spir

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