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Nice! I have a couple of comments though.
Any x in the real world is one of the following ontological types:
I take it this means "any x as broda". The same x as brode could be of a different ontological type, right?
2. Non-atoms: things that may meaningfully be said to be composed of parts. These subdivide into: 2A. Wholes (what I formerly called atoms): Things where, for any sectioning of the entity into parts, either no part is broda (perfect whole), or at most one part is broda (chipped whole).
For example, da poi remna
2B. Stuff: Entities of which no part is a whole.
For example, da poi djacu
2C. Groups: Entities of which at least one part is a whole.
At least one part of x as broda is a whole as broda? Examples? I'm not sure groups are ontological types in this sense.
These ontological types may be conceptualised in three ways, and this is reflected on the outer quantifier (and, 'redundantly', lo/loi). These are the Counting Types. i. Individuals: instances singled out of a cardinality of things. (That an Individual of Stuff should be physically separate is probably a pragmatic default (spisa), because it is idiosyncratic when applied to numbers --- which are stuff, in that they do meaningfully have parts in a non-Platonic conceptualisation.)
Yes, instances taken one by one: each human being, each amount of water, etc.
ii. Collectives/Masses: instances described not by overt counting/quantification, but by describing the size of a portion and the number of bits from which the portion is formed. This is the lojbanmass, and includes my former Collective and Substance (what And calls Bit of Substance). This is what "an amount of" refers to in the gismu list.
I would have said "individuals taken together" for collective, rather than "one by one". A collective of human beings is not the same thing as a portion of a human being, whereas a collective of amounts of water is similar to (or the same as) a portion of (another) amount of water. You'd have to clarify what it is that you're taking portions of. The procedure seems to be: * for wholes, take every individual and collectivize, then take portions of the collective with bits corresponding to the original individuals. * for stuff, define bits appropriately for the context, then collectivize those bits and take portions of the collective. Maybe this is what you meant, I'm not sure. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail