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RE: [jboske] 3rd version of gadri system (3rd ExSol)

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > If you still want to insist that it is false that lo xirma drops
> > dung if no da xirma,
> No, that's orthogonal to my concern here, which is that the world of Kinds
> has only Kinds in it, and Kinds don't interact, outside intentional contexts,
> with non-Kinds.  So Mr. Horse drops Mr. Dung, and eats Mr. Apples, but may
> be drawn by Nick (not merely by Mr. Human or Mr. Nick) 

Even on this view, Mr Horse could drop a subkind of Mr Dung. But that's
incidental to your point.

I'll have to think about this further, but provisionally I agree.
The problem is, that everything extensional will then have a Kind
counterpart, "Mr John eats every Mr Apple in the Basket", etc. And
everything intensional has an extensional counterpart if it is
something that is not abstract (i.e. if it is a subkind of Mr
Manifest in Spacetime). Fuck.
> > then the situation is that 3/4XS covers
> > everything you want to be able to say, but at the price of
> > exploiting the redundant lo/loi contrast in SL in order to be
> > able to also speak of Kinds 
> I deny that it is redundant except in special cases of place structure
> subcategorization 

How can you deny that it is redundant if everything that can be
said by lo plus loi can be said with equal perspicuity and equal
brevity by just one of them?
